Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Writer

just a thought of the moment .....

I want to write something yet I have hard time to organize my thoughts and it seems like each word that I am writing have been already written . I know that in order to be a good writer it takes more than a couple of imaginations and effortless words it is an art just like drawing but not with a brush and a paint this is a special painting with words that brings life to an image(colors, smell, beauty). But you should know better by now that for this picture you don’t need eyes , you need a big dose of imagination and what is really magical about the writer is that he paints a black and white picture and lets you to fill in the colors ....

The color was red beneath her little fragile body it stained the white sheets of the bed and who would think that the blood on my hands was of a little bird who sang so beautifully in the early mornings …maybe it is a selfish thought but I wonder if the blood would wash out of white Kashmir cloth

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Diary ...

I am rather happy that not too many people visit this blog maybe because it feels kind of still privet despite the fact that it is public I decided to make a public diary of the things that I think believe fear because I don't think any diary can hide at the end of the day someone will read it ... yes you can say it is just human nature to crave for the knowledge of filthy secrets of others this is why television , magazines ,celebrities You Tube were created so that our greedy needs would be satisfied on some level and also so that we will know less about what is really happening around us lovely distraction created by the government well what can I say it works but the question for how long... well I don't know how about you but I hear an irritating ticking sound it is just driving me nuts I guess .... your time is up hmm...

Monday, December 15, 2008

In Order to Say the Right Thing You Should Shut Up Most of the Time

Well I don’t know how many people actually do what I do but lately I have been talking to myself and it is rather interesting well it is more of having a self conversation in my head and I have to say I have never done it before except when I write, but these days it is usually when I go from one place to another and during that period of time I space out and out of no where I start a random self dialog about the things I see and I associate them with some odd and totally absurd imaginary story lines, that don’t make any sense to me. I guess my imagination is working extra shifts, I generally don’t think it is a bad thing I even find it rather amusing, because it pass my time faster and I kind of forget a bit about my surroundings , the people that glance at me while we cross each others path ways with some kind of strange anticipation that I’ll glance back at them (although I never understood what people are looking for in each others eyes it seem like some kind of mystery to me…) and the weather doesn’t seem to irritate me, I usually get so grumpy when I notice the sticky wet feeling on my body during the summer time or the freezing wind during winter that blows throughout every single bone I have despite the fact that I am wearing a damn good winter coat .Well I guess my main point is that not too many people have a self dialog neither do they think too much about what they are going to say and I believe I am a good example of an average person with fairly good social life and
I never thought about what I say before the words came out of my mouth I mean I never went through a dialog in my head before I said something neither do I feel like I myself even know what I am going to say it feels more like the words are just stuck in my throat and I randomly puke them out with out too much thought or consideration of how my words might affect the other person it feels more like a memorized speech that I choose to deliver in a certain situation and I believe most people will agree with me that they don’t use their mind to say what they want to say they would rather puke it out in to their friends ears without too much thought or just state a random thought in their head using one or two words such as wow damn how pretty cute and some other common words in our limited vocabulary . So I guess at the end of the day I came to the conclusion that words could be a dangerous poison for the mind whether you write a short msn message, put a comment on youtube or you just say it out loud hmm…

Soft Cookies

I have no idea why I am addicted so much to Blackforest Turnover soft cookies ok I am finishing the last cookie just right now and it is so damn delicious I can’t believe I finished the whole package in two days all by myself I am such a cookie addict seriously food is the best drug for me as long as it tastes heavenly aaaaaaa but it is kind of upsetting how all the shity products get a brain washing commercial while all the good stuff is hiding on the store shelves well I guess if you want something good just do a little store stroll and you just might find a real treasure
Anyway I guess some products just don’t need introduction if the product is good you will find it eventually haha I guess this is some kind of introduction hi I am a cookie addict how about you? hmm…